The D-Group Launch Conference Kit is a digital download that gives you everything you need to host a training event and help your D-Groups multiply. In this kit, you will receive:
- Staff Resources that will help you prepare for your event.
- D-Group Launch Strategy
- Pre-Event Checklist
- Promotional Plan
- Event Summary
- Post-Event Checklist
- Video Trainings from our Replicate Team that you can use at your next training event.
- The Strategy That Changed The World by Robby Gallaty
- Two Key Factors For A Healthy D-Group by Vick Green
- What A D-Group Meeting Looks Like by Chris Swain
- Resources for your people to help them multiply their group.
- D-Group Starter Guide
- H.E.A.R. Journal Exercise
- Response Cards
- Graphics that you can use for your event.
- Social Media Graphics
- Email Headers
- Physical Signage